Venue reconstructed, inspection by the organizing committee
The symbol and logo
of WCC 2010
of WCC 2010
As informed yesterday, Sofia is entering in final preparations for the start of the WCC match between Veselin Topalov and Viswanathan Anand. The venue of the World Chess Championship - the Military Club - has been fully reconstructed. The playing hall, which also hosted Mtel Masters 2008 (video of Mtel 2008 preparations here) has been renovated and adjusted to host the event. The audience will come through the central entrance, passing a security check. The players will enter through the back entrance. The two corridors towards the toilets have been blocked and a reroute is constructed.
The special curtain has arrived from Germany and will provide the requested by Anand visual and sound barrier with the audience. It will be lifted in the first 10 minutes, so that journalists can make photos, and later it will be arranged according to the contract.
Today the BCF and the organizing committee inspected the playing hall and approved all the work done so far. The dedicated rooms for the press, the VIP, and the FIDE office have also received a positive grade.
There is still no confirmation on the exact date and time of the arrival of Anand. By contract he should come on the 16th of April with 5 people in his team (his wife and manager Aruna Anand and four seconds). From BCF commented, "Anand has not communicated the date of his arrival, we hope Anand calls, so that we meet him, but in any case he knows Sofia and the way to the hotel well."
Article Source : Chessdom
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