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Monday, March 29, 2010

Rook Endgames - Lesson 10 - Rook versus Split Pawns

Already previous lessons of this series will have provided you with some of the basics regarding situations of a lone rook against pawns. Generally a rook does well to try and stop an enemy passed pawn from behind, but if the enemy king is in the vicinity, the rook can only realistically expect to win if its own king has an input. Now we will examine the different situations that arises in Rook versus Split Pawns Endgame.

Rook versus Split Pawns

TIP: The rook should be kept flexible and active at all times. 
Here is another case of how the rook can work wonders by flitting around.

Lets take the previous example into another level. See below.

Rook_Endgame/rook vs split pawns 3.pgn

NOTE: The closer together the split pawns are, the easier it is for the king to control them.
Frankly, the above note is obvious whereas the positions are quite obscure. Nevertheless, the clear difference between the two is that in the latter the pawns are one file nearer to each other. The quicker accessibility for the black king to either pawn completely changes the assessment.
That's it for now. In the next lesson we will examine Rook vs Two Connected Pawns situation. So Stay Tuned !.

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