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"I prefer to lose a really good game than to win a bad one." - Levy

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Monday, December 27, 2010

Recent Trends In the French: 3...Nc6, Leko vs. Morozevich - Chess.com | Video

Recent Trends In the French: 3...Nc6, Leko Lost! - Chess.com online advertising If you liked the article kindly Digg it, Stumble it, Add to Technorati, bookmark it and please consider Subscribing by Email  and have articles delivered right to your inbox! OR Subscribe to Attack the King Feed in a Feed Reader of your choice OR Subscribe to SMS Alerts & Get Article Headlines & Updates delivered to your Mobile Phone for fre...

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Carlsen Carnage Continues: Wins 4th Kings Tournament 2010

In all three games of the final round Black was victorious: Radjabov beat Gelfand, Ponomariov beat Nisipeanu and Carlsen beat Wang Yue. This left the youngest player with the highest rating two full points clear of the field, with an incredible 2918 performance. That translates to a FIDE rating of 2826, the second highest in chess history. Final report with commentary by Dorian Rogozenco. ROMGAZ and the Chess Club Society "Elisabeta Polihroniade” of Bucharest are staging a double round robin tournament with six top GMs: the world's highest ranked player, Magnus Carlsen of Norway, who at the age of 19 has an Elo rating of 2813....

Friday, June 25, 2010

Download Index

open all | close all <a href="http://www.bidvertiser.com/bdv/BidVertiser/bdv_advertiser.dbm">online advertising</a> If you liked the article kindly Digg it, Stumble it, Add to Technorati, bookmark it and please consider Subscribing by Email  and have articles delivered right to your inbox! OR Subscribe to Attack the King Feed in a Feed Reader of your choice OR Subscribe to SMS Alerts & Get Article Headlines & Updates delivered to your Mobile Phone for fre...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Download My Best Games by Yasser Seirawan | Frirz Trainer

Chessbase Fritz Trainer:Yasser Seirawan - My Best Games Grandmaster Yasser Seirawan began playing chess in the summer of 1972 and by 1979 he had won the World Junior Championship and in January of 1980 earned his final Grandmaster norm. What had he learned in seven and a half years that propelled him so far so quickly? In this, his first DVD, Yasser takes an engaging in-depth look at 22 games he played from the period 1975-1982, explaining his style, strategy and tactics against Larsen, Gligoric, Kortchnoi, Tal, Timman, Karpov and others. Yasser‘s engaging personality and desire to share his knowledge shines through as does the clarity and the...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Download Fritz Powerbook 2010 DVD for FREE!!!

Fritz Powerbook 2010 DVD  The current openings theory with one million games. The Fritz Powerbook 2010 DVD contains 27 million opening positions, derived from 1.6 million high-class tournament games. Together with each position all relevant information is stored: all moves that were played in the position, by players of what average rating, with what success and performance results. The games from which the Fritz Powerbook 2010 were derived are also included on the DVD. This means that in any position of the openings tree you can load and replay the games in which the position occurred. The Fritz Powerbook 2010 represents the state...

Download Chess Academy 7 Office Deluxe Pro

Chess Academy 7 Office Deluxe includes powerful Chess Academy Database System (ver. 7); huge Chess Academy Pro database (2,100,000+ games); an improved Chess Academy Tutorial & Training Program (ver. 7); 23 Modules with 25,000+ annotated & classified examples; strong Chess Academy Playing Program (ver. 7) with built-in Engines; huge Opening Books Champion & Gambit and an extended Middlegame Book for Chess Academy engine.  The most complete and powerful version of Chess Academy Program !  Clear program interface, easy to handle. Chess Academy offers excellent 2D and 3D boards and pieces sets, size of board as well as colors...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Download Chessbase Opening Encyclopaedia 2010 Full DVD for Free

Chessbase Opening Encyclopaedia 2010Price : $159.95 The ChessBase Opening Encyclopaedia 2010 features complete coverage of all opening sectors, offering an optimal start for opening training. Many well-known specialists have made contributions in their field of expertise, such as Anand, Avrukh, Dr. Huebner, Jussupow, Kortschnoj, Krasenkow, Marin, Postny, Ribli, Rogozenko and Stohl. The DVD contains a separate directory with 506 special theory databases (69 of them are new) from the CBMs. For each of 500 opening sectors according to ECO standard there is at least one opening survey, so that the database is the ideal tool for building up a complete...

Download Mastering the French - Susan Polgar DVD Series Volume 11

Susan Polgar Volume 11 Mastering the French Part 1  On this 3 Part DVD series Susan Polgar will share with you her experiences, exciting battles, and won games from the first opening she ever learned at the early age of 4. Although the French can be complex, the main benefit is there are not many long and forceful lines compared to other openings. Susan will teach you the key to learning the French, to understand the pawn strategies, tactical motifs and basic plans. So join Susan as well as some of world's elite grandmasters such as Victor  Korchnoi, Nigel Short and Alexander Morozevich in playing this fun and exciting opening defense.   ...

Monday, June 21, 2010

Download My Best Games with Black by GM Alexei Shirov(Full DVD) | Chessbase Fritz Trainer

Chessbase Fritz Trainer-My best games with black by GM Alexei Shirov(Full DVD)Price : US $47.95    If you want to win with Black, you must decide which is the best strategy to achieve your aim. Should you take risks and go for the win right from move one, or should you patiently set about achieving equality and then wait for mistakes by White? Which opening should you choose and what is the role played by opening preparation? What can you do when you even have to win with Black, because, e.g., a match can only be saved by a win with Black in the very last game – a situation which has become all the more familiar because of the...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Download Foxy Openings Vol.90: Von-Hennig Schara Gambit Easily Explained - Andrew Martin

Foxy Openings Volume 90: The Von-Hennig Schara Gambit Easily Explained - Andrew Martin , Price : 24.95 $Running Time: 1 hour 32 minutes  The Von-Hennig Schara gambit is one of the sharpest responses after White plays 1.d4 d5 2.c4. Black disallows the staid Queen's Gambit and goes for the kill! Black opens lines at the cost of a pawn and goes on the attack, making the Von-Hennig Schara gambit an ideal practical weapon for the club or tournament player. Grandmasters do not venture this gambit very often, because they think it is too risky and as a result there is much unchartered territory to be discovered. On this new Foxy DVD, Andrew...

Download Foxy Openings Vol.89:The Baltic Defence,Easily Explained - Andrew Martin

Foxy 89: The Baltic Defence, Easily Explained - Andrew Martin, Price : 24.95 $ Running Time: 1 hour 55 minutes The Baltic Defense arises after 1.d4 d5 2.c4 Bf5!?, and if you are tired of suffering on the Black side of the Queen's Gambit, then the Baltic Defense can change all that. The sequence 1.d4 d5 2.c4 Bf5!? offers active and unusual play which the Queen's Gambiteer might not be familiar with, and forces White to re-think his opening plans. Let IM Andrew Martin show you how.Grandmaster specialists Rausis and Miladinovic use this interesting counterattack frequently, with good results. Black plays for the initiative from the move two. The...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Download Pro Chess Video Chess Mentor Series - Yasser Seirawan

        DVD Contents:Study Segment 1: The Board & It's Properties Three (3) Types of Positions The Four (4) Elements of Chess Seven (7) Basic Principles Elementary Check Mates Classical Opening Three (3) Types of Pins Double Attack Battery Time Count Study Segment 2: How To Find A Plan Weak Pawn Structures Zwischenzug: An in-between move Fianchetto the Bishop Balanced Pawn Structures Pawn Storms & Chains Dutch Stonewall & Pillsbury Attack Dynamic Pawn Structures Rooks belong on Open Files Protected & Connected Passed Pawns Study Segment 3: Advanced Pawn Structures Windmill or Seesaw...

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