Chess Academy 7 Office Deluxe includes powerful Chess Academy Database System (ver. 7); huge Chess Academy Pro database (2,100,000+ games); an improved Chess Academy Tutorial & Training Program (ver. 7); 23 Modules with 25,000+ annotated & classified examples; strong Chess Academy Playing Program (ver. 7) with built-in Engines; huge Opening Books Champion & Gambit and an extended Middlegame Book for Chess Academy engine.
The most complete and powerful version of Chess Academy Program !
Clear program interface, easy to handle. Chess Academy offers excellent 2D and 3D boards and pieces sets, size of board as well as colors can be easily changed, piece animation, special chess symbols, special windows for analyzing purposes and displaying of variants, ToolBars icons and their groups can be easily handled and much more - enjoy at the same time by using Chess Academy® program! Languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Russian.
The most complete and powerful version of Chess Academy Program !
Clear program interface, easy to handle. Chess Academy offers excellent 2D and 3D boards and pieces sets, size of board as well as colors can be easily changed, piece animation, special chess symbols, special windows for analyzing purposes and displaying of variants, ToolBars icons and their groups can be easily handled and much more - enjoy at the same time by using Chess Academy® program! Languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Russian.
Chess Academy 7.0 OfficeDeluxe Pro Package includes 13 Tutorial & Training Modules, which contain 15.000+ carefully selected and deeply annotated examples from such topics as: Attack on the King, Counter-Attack, Exchange Sacrifice, Queen Sacrifice, Pawn Sacrifice, Isolated Pawn, Hanging Pawns, Rook vs Minor Pieces, Domination, Defence, Blockade, The Bishop Pair, Central Strategy, Endgame Strategy, Advantage in Space, Combinations in Middlegame, etc.

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