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Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Ruy Lopez for White - Classical Variation Part 2

Hello and welcome everybody.
Today we will study the two remaining variations on the Classical variation of the Ruy Lopez and we will see how White can gain advantage from the position that arrives during the course of play.
Last time we discussed Black's first fourth move alternative, 4...Nge7.
Now we will study another reply from Black, Variation B: 4...Nd4. Pay attention:
So the position still favours White!!

Now let's move on to the next possible reply from Black, Variation C: 4...Nf6:
Variation C: 4...Nf6 is the most critical in the Classical Variation of the Ruy Lopez and the most obvious reply for Black too. White has to play cautiously when faced with this variation. Even without the queen on the board, White can snatch an advantage, and there is a lot of ways to convert this advantage into a victory.

Go through the sub-variations again and again and you will be able to recognize certain patterns that tells you how to gain an advantage.

This was all about The Classical Variation. Hope you liked it throughout.....
From my next post we will start discussion on one of the most famous, critical  and widely played variation of the Ruy Lopez which, if studied well, will completely change your views and approach towards the game (in case you do not play Ruy Lopez or in case you are not comfortable with this opening).

So friends, stay tuned for one of the most respected opening in chess history, the famous Berlin Defence. Believe me, it will be fabulous to get lost in the jungles of this opening.
Until then, bye and take care. 
Keep visiting, keep reading and keep learning.

Thanks, .....Enjoy!
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